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Healwell Homeo kit consists of 24 homeopathic medicines which can treat more than 61 common health problems of all age groups, such as cold , cough , diarrhoea, constipation , acidity , indigestion , injuries , muscular pain , nausea , vomiting , gastric, problems & many more .
it Conatins 24 medicines in PILLS form :
Aconite 30 | Calendula 30 | Ipecac 30 |
Allium Cepa 30 | Cantharis 30 | Merc sol 30 |
Aloe 30 | Carbo veg 30 | Millefolium 30 |
Apis. Mel 30 | Chamomila 30 | Nux Vomica 30 |
Arnica 30 | Cocclus 30 | Podophyllum 30 |
Arsenic alb 30 | Colocynthis 30 | Pulastilla 30 |
Belladonna 30 | Drosera 30 | Rhus Tox 30 |
Bryonia 30 | Hepar Sulph 30 | Veratrum alb 30 |
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